วันจันทร์ที่ 7 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552


Savate, or French Boxing, was developed in the late 1700's and it said to have developed on French ships sailing the Indian Ocean and South China seas, where they learned kicking techniques from Asian cultures. Savate was first recognised in Marseille, an important port in the south of France where sailors of many countries came together. Savate made use of the boots of the time known as Savate to attack an opponent's legs and body. A characteristic of this simple but effective method of self-defence is the manner in which kicks are always executed by the leg nearest the opponent, with the other leg taking the weight of the body. Savate uses both striking and foot techniques.
Origin of Savate: France Savate was developed to its modern day form by Professor Lecour

