วันจันทร์ที่ 7 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Pa Kua

Pa Kua (pronouced "Ba-Gua", sometimes spelled Ba Kua or Ba Qua) is one of the Chinese internal systems, which practice Chi Gong breathing exercises as well as weapons and meditation (also see Tai Chi and Hsing-I). Pa Kua is known for its evasive footwork, including the characteristic circle walking and the spiraling, coiling, drilling, twisting, and spinning movements, combined with powerful palm heel strikes. Pa Kua is as much a martial arts combat style as it is a martial art taught for its health benefits. Origin of Pa Kua: China, 19th century (Qing Dynasty) Founded by Dong Hai Chuan (also spelled Tung Hai Chuan) in Beijing, China

